请看总结概要理清思路, 再细看文章.
第一眼看上去,这种替代性的技术似乎非常类似于数据包的分包和重组,但是它的实现是完全不同的。这种实现上的差异的目的是为了解决数据包分包和重组的一个关键弱点 : 一个片段的丢失就会导致整个数据包都要被丢弃掉然后重新分包重发。
这个发送大块数据系统大致可以理解为是一个在原来分包和重组系统的基础上增加了分包确认功能, 也就是说增加了可靠性的部分.
In this new system blocks of data are called chunks. Chunks are split up into slices. This name change keeps the chunk system terminology (chunks/slices) distinct from packet fragmentation and reassembly (packets/fragments).
- 块 : 在这个新系统中,大块的数据被称为”块”(chunks)
- 片段 : 而块被分成的分包被称为”片段”(slices)
Slice packet片段数据包 : 这包括了一个块的片段,最多大小为1k。
29const int SliceSize = 1024;
const int MaxSlicesPerChunk = 256;
const int MaxChunkSize = SliceSize MaxSlicesPerChunk;
struct SlicePacket : public protocol2::Packet
uint16_t chunkId;
int sliceId;
int numSlices;
int sliceBytes;
uint8_t data[SliceSize];
template <typename stream> bool Serialize( Stream & stream )
serialize_bits( stream, chunkId, 16 );
serialize_int( stream, sliceId, 0, MaxSlicesPerChunk - 1 );
serialize_int( stream, numSlices, 1, MaxSlicesPerChunk );
if ( sliceId == numSlices - 1 )
serialize_int( stream, sliceBytes, 1, SliceSize );
else if ( Stream::IsReading )
sliceBytes = SliceSize;
serialize_bytes( stream, data, sliceBytes );
return true;
Ack packet确认数据包 : 一个位域bitfield指示哪些片段已经收到, we just send the entire state of all acked slices in each ack packet. When the ack packet is received (including the slice that was just received).
14struct AckPacket : public protocol2::Packet
uint16_t chunkId;
int numSlices;
bool acked[MaxSlicesPerChunk];
bool Serialize( Stream & stream )
serialize_bits( stream, chunkId, 16 );
serialize_int( stream, numSlices, 1, MaxSlicesPerChunk );
for ( int i = 0; i < numSlices; ++i )
serialize_bool( stream, acked[i] ); return true; } };
- 持续的发送片段数据包,直到所有的片段数据包都被确认。
- 不再对已经确认过的片段数据包进行发送。
1 | class ChunkSender |
首先,接收方的设置会从块0开始。当一个片段数据包从网络上传递过来,并且能够匹配这个块id的话,“receiving”状态会从false翻转为true,第一个片段数据包的数据会插入” chunkData“变量的合适位置,片段数据包的数量会根据第一个片段数据包里面的数据进行正确的设置,已经接收到的片段数据包的数量会加一,也就是从0到1,针对每个片段数据包的接收标记里面对应这个片段数据包的项会变为true。
随着这个块数据的其他片段数据包的到来,会对每一个片段数据包进行检测,判断它们的id是否与当前块的id相同,如果不相同的话就会被丢弃。如果这个片段数据包已经收到过的话,那么这个包也会被丢弃。否则,这个片段数据包的数据会插入” chunkData“变量的合适位置、已经接收到的片段数据包的数量会加一、针对每个片段数据包的接收标记里面对应这个片段数据包的项会变为true。
这一过程会持续进行,直到接收到所有的片段数据包。一旦接收到所有的片段数据包(也就是已经接收到的片段数据包的数量等于片段数据包的数量的时候),接收方会把“receiving “状态改为false,而把”readyToRead“状态改为true。当”readyToRead”状态为true的时候,所有收到的片段数据包都会被丢弃。在这一点上,这个处理过程通常非常的短,会在收到片段数据包的同一帧进行处理,调用者会检查”我有一块数据要读取么?“并处理块数据。然后会重置数据块接收器的所有数据为默认值,除了块数据的id从0增加到1,这样我们就准备好接收下一个块了。
1 | class ChunkReceiver |
原文标题 : Sending Large Blocks of Data (How to send blocks quickly and reliably over UDP)
Hi, I’m Glenn Fiedler and welcome to Building a Game Network Protocol.
In the previous article we implemented packet fragmentation and reassembly so we can send packets larger than MTU.
This approach works great when the data block you’re sending is time critical and can be dropped, but in other cases you need to send large blocks of quickly and reliably over packet loss, and you need the data to get through.
In this situation, a different technique gives much better results.
It’s common for servers to send large block of data to the client on connect, for example, the initial state of the game world for late join.
Let’s assume this data is 256k in size and the client needs to receive it before they can join the game. The client is stuck behind a load screen waiting for the data, so obviously we want it to be transmitted as quickly as possible.
If we send the data with the technique from the previous article, we get packet loss amplification because a single dropped fragment results in the whole packet being lost. The effect of this is actually quite severe. Our example block split into 256 fragments and sent over 1% packet loss now has a whopping 92.4% chance of being dropped!
Since we just need the data to get across, we have no choice but to keep sending it until it gets through. On average, we have to send the block 10 times before it’s received. You may laugh but this actually happened on a AAA game I worked on!
To fix this, I implemented a new system for sending large blocks, one that handles packet loss by resends fragments until they are acked. Then I took the problematic large blocks and piped them through this system, fixing a bunch of players stalling out on connect, while continuing to send time critical data (snapshots) via packet fragmentation and reassembly.
Chunks and Slices
In this new system blocks of data are called chunks. Chunks are split up into slices. This name change keeps the chunk system terminology (chunks/slices) distinct from packet fragmentation and reassembly (packets/fragments).
The basic idea is that slices are sent over the network repeatedly until they all get through. Since we are implementing this over UDP, simple in concept becomes a little more complicated in implementation because have to build in our own basic reliability system so the sender knows which slices have been received.
This reliability gets quite tricky if we have a bunch of different chunks in flight, so we’re going to make a simplifying assumption up front: we’re only going to send one chunk over the network at a time. This doesn’t mean the sender can’t have a local send queue for chunks, just that in terms of network traffic there’s only ever one chunk in flight at any time.
This makes intuitive sense because the whole point of the chunk system is to send chunks reliably and in-order. If you are for some reason sending chunk 0 and chunk 1 at the same time, what’s the point? You can’t process chunk 1 until chunk 0 comes through, because otherwise it wouldn’t be reliable-ordered.
That said, if you dig a bit deeper you’ll see that sending one chunk at a time does introduce a small trade-off, and that is that it adds a delay of RTT between chunk n being received and the send starting for chunk n+1 from the receiver’s point of view.
This trade-off is totally acceptable for the occasional sending of large chunks like data sent once on client connect, but it’s definitely not acceptable for data sent 10 or 20 times per-second like snapshots. So remember, this system is useful for large, infrequently sent blocks of data, not for time critical data.
Packet Structure
There are two sides to the chunk system, the sender and the receiver.
The sender is the side that queues up the chunk and sends slices over the network. The receiver is what reads those slice packets and reassembles the chunk on the other side. The receiver is also responsible for communicating back to the sender which slices have been received via acks.
The netcode I work on is usually client/server, and in this case I usually want to be able to send blocks of data from the server to the client and from the client to the server. In that case, there are two senders and two receivers, a sender on the client corresponding to a receiver on the server and vice-versa.
Think of the sender and receiver as end points for this chunk transmission protocol that define the direction of flow. If you want to send chunks in a different direction, or even extend the chunk sender to support peer-to-peer, just add sender and receiver end points for each direction you need to send chunks.
Traffic over the network for this system is sent via two packet types:
Slice packet - contains a slice of a chunk up to 1k in size.
Ack packet - a bitfield indicating which slices have been received so far.
The slice packet is sent from the sender to the receiver. It is the payload packet that gets the chunk data across the network and is designed so each packet fits neatly under a conservative MTU of 1200 bytes. Each slice is a maximum of 1k and there is a maximum of 256 slices per-chunk, therefore the largest data you can send over the network with this system is 256k.
1 | const int SliceSize = 1024; |
There are two points I’d like to make about the slice packet. The first is that even though there is only ever one chunk in flight over the network, it’s still necessary to include the chunk id (0,1,2,3, etc…) because packets sent over UDP can be received out of order.
Second point. Due to the way chunks are sliced up we know that all slices except the last one must be SliceSize (1024 bytes). We take advantage of this to save a small bit of bandwidth sending the slice size only in the last slice, but there is a trade-off: the receiver doesn’t know the exact size of a chunk until it receives the last slice.
The other packet sent by this system is the ack packet. This packet is sent in the opposite direction, from the receiver back to the sender. This is the reliability part of the chunk network protocol. Its purpose is to lets the sender know which slices have been received.
1 | struct AckPacket : public protocol2::Packet |
Acks are short for ‘acknowledgments’. So an ack for slice 100 means the receiver is acknowledging that it has received slice 100. This is critical information for the sender because not only does it let the sender determine when all slices have been received so it knows when to stop, it also allows the sender to use bandwidth more efficiently by only sending slices that haven’t been acked.
Looking a bit deeper into the ack packet, at first glance it seems a bit redundant. Why are we sending acks for all slices in every packet? Well, ack packets are sent over UDP so there is no guarantee that all ack packets are going to get through. You certainly don’t want a desync between the sender and the receiver regarding which slices are acked.
So we need some reliability for acks, but we don’t want to implement an ack system for acks because that would be a huge pain in the ass. Since the worst case ack bitfield is just 256 bits or 32 bytes, we just send the entire state of all acked slices in each ack packet. When the ack packet is received, we consider a slice to be acked the instant an ack packet comes in with that slice marked as acked and locally that slice is not seen as acked yet.
This last step, biasing in the direction of non-acked to ack, like a fuse getting blown, means we can handle out of order delivery of ack packets.
Sender Implementation
Let’s get started with the implementation of the sender.
The strategy for the sender is:
Keep sending slices until all slices are acked
Don’t resend slices that have already been acked
We use the following data structure for the sender:
1 | class ChunkSender |
As mentioned before, only one chunk is sent at a time, so there is a ‘sending’ state which is true if we are currently sending a chunk, false if we are in an idle state ready for the user to send a chunk. In this implementation, you can’t send another chunk while the current chunk is still being sent over the network. If you don’t like this, stick a queue in front of the sender.
Next, we have the id of the chunk we are currently sending, or, if we are not sending a chunk, the id of the next chunk to be sent, followed by the size of the chunk and the number of slices it has been split into. We also track, per-slice, whether that slice has been acked, which lets us count the number of slices that have been acked so far while ignoring redundant acks. A chunk is considered fully received from the sender’s point of view when numAckedSlices == numSlices.
We also keep track of the current slice id for the algorithm that determines which slices to send, which works like this. At the start of a chunk send, start at slice id 0 and work from left to right and wrap back around to 0 again when you go past the last slice. Eventually, you stop iterating across because you’ve run out of bandwidth to send slices. At this point, remember our current slice index via current slice id so you can pick up from where you left off next time. This last part is important because it distributes sends across all slices, not just the first few.
Now let’s discuss bandwidth limiting. Obviously you don’t just blast slices out continuously as you’d flood the connection in no time, so how do we limit the sender bandwidth? My implementation works something like this: as you walk across slices and consider each slice you want to send, estimate roughly how many bytes the slice packet will take eg: roughly slice bytes + some overhead for your protocol and UDP/IP header. Then compare the amount of bytes required vs. the available bytes you have to send in your bandwidth budget. If you don’t have enough bytes accumulated, stop. Otherwise, subtract the bytes required to send the slice and repeat the process for the next slice.
Where does the available bytes in the send budget come from? Each frame before you update the chunk sender, take your target bandwidth (eg. 256kbps), convert it to bytes per-second, and add it multiplied by delta time (dt) to an accumulator.
A conservative send rate of 256kbps means you can send 32000 bytes per-second, so add 32000 dt to the accumulator. A middle ground of 512kbit/sec is 64000 bytes per-second. A more aggressive 1mbit is 125000 bytes per-second. This way each update you accumulate a number of bytes you are allowed to send, and when you’ve sent all the slices you can given that budget, any bytes left over stick around for the next time you try to send a slice.
One subtle point with the chunk sender and is that it’s a good idea to implement some minimum resend delay per-slice, otherwise you get situations where for small chunks, or the last few slices of a chunk that the same few slices get spammed over the network.
For this reason we maintain an array of last send time per-slice. One option for this resend delay is to maintain an estimate of RTT and to only resend a slice if it hasn’t been acked within RTT * 1.25 of its last send time. Or, you could just resend the slice it if it hasn’t been sent in the last 100ms. Works for me!
Kicking it up a notch
Do the math you’ll notice it still takes a long time for a 256k chunk to get across:
1mbps = 2 seconds
512kbps = 4 seconds
256kbps = 8 seconds :(
Which kinda sucks. The whole point here is quickly and reliably. Emphasis on quickly. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to get the chunk across faster? The typical use case of the chunk system supports this. For example, a large block of data sent down to the client immediately on connect or a block of data that has to get through before the client exits a load screen and starts to play. You want this to be over as quickly as possible and in both cases the user really doesn’t have anything better to do with their bandwidth, so why not use as much of it as possible?
One thing I’ve tried in the past with excellent results is an initial burst. Assuming your chunk size isn’t so large, and your chunk sends are infrequent, I can see no reason why you can’t just fire across the entire chunk, all slices of it, in separate packets in one glorious burst of bandwidth, wait 100ms, and then resume the regular bandwidth limited slice sending strategy.
Why does this work? In the case where the user has a good internet connection (some multiple of 10mbps or greater…), the slices get through very quickly indeed. In the situation where the connection is not so great, the burst gets buffered up and most slices will be delivered as quickly as possible limited only by the amount bandwidth available. After this point switching to the regular strategy at a lower rate picks up any slices that didn’t get through the first time.
This seems a bit risky so let me explain. In the case where the user can’t quite support this bandwidth what you’re relying on here is that routers on the Internet strongly prefer to buffer packets rather than discard them at almost any cost. It’s a TCP thing. Normally, I hate this because it induces latency in packet delivery and messes up your game packets which you want delivered as quickly as possible, but in this case it’s good behavior because the player really has nothing else to do but wait for your chunk to get through.
Just don’t go too overboard with the spam or the congestion will persist after your chunk send completes and it will affect your game for the first few seconds. Also, make sure you increase the size of your OS socket buffers on both ends so they are larger than your maximum chunk size (I recommend at least double), otherwise you’ll be dropping slices packets before they even hit the wire.
Finally, I want to be a responsible network citizen here so although I recommend sending all slices once in an initial burst, it’s important for me to mention that I think this really is only appropriate, and only really _borderline appropriate_behavior for small chunks in the few 100s of k range in 2016, and only when your game isn’t sending anything else that is time-critical.
Please don’t use this burst strategy if your chunk is really large, eg: megabytes of data, because that’s way too big to be relying on the kindness of strangers, AKA. the buffers in the routers between you and your packet’s destination. For this it’s necessary to implement something much smarter. Something adaptive that tries to send data as quickly as it can, but backs off when it detects too much latency and/or packet loss as a result of flooding the connection. Such a system is outside of the scope of this article.
Receiver Implementation
Now that we have the sender all sorted out let’s move on to the reciever.
As mentioned previously, unlike the packet fragmentation and reassembly system from the previous article, the chunk system only ever has one chunk in flight.
This makes the reciever side of the chunk system much simpler:
1 | class ChunkReceiver |
We have a state whether we are currently ‘receiving’ a chunk over the network, plus a ’readyToRead’ state which indicates that a chunk has received all slices and is ready to be popped off by the user. This is effectively a minimal receive queue of length 1. If you don’t like this, of course you are free to add a queue.
In this data structure we also keep track of chunk size (although it is not known with complete accuracy until the last slice arrives), num slices and num received slices, as well as a received flag per-slice. This per-slice received flag lets us discard packets containing slices we have already received, and count the number of slices received so far (since we may receive the slice multiple times, we only increase this count the first time we receive a particular slice). It’s also used when generating ack packets. The chunk receive is completed from the receiver’s point of view when numReceivedSlices == numSlices.
So what does it look like end-to-end receiving a chunk?
First, the receiver sets up set to start at chunk 0. When the a slice packet comes in over the network matching the chunk id 0, ‘receiving’ flips from false to true, data for that first slice is inserted into ‘chunkData’ at the correct position, numSlices is set to the value in that packet, numReceivedSlices is incremented from 0 -> 1, and the received flag in the array entry corresponding to that slice is set to true.
As the remaining slice packets for the chunk come in, each of them are checked that they match the current chunk id and numSlices that are being received and are ignored if they don’t match. Packets are also ignored if they contain a slice that has already been received. Otherwise, the slice data is copied into the correct place in the chunkData array, numReceivedSlices is incremented and received flag for that slice is set to true.
This process continues until all slices of the chunk are received, at which point the receiver sets receiving to ‘false’ and ‘readyToRead’ to true. While ‘readyToRead’ is true, incoming slice packets are discarded. At this point, the chunk receive packet processing is performed, typically on the same frame. The caller checks ‘do I have a chunk to read?’ and processes the chunk data. All chunk receive data is cleared back to defaults, except chunk id which is incremented from 0 -> 1, and we are ready to receive the next chunk.
The chunk system is simple in concept, but the implementation is certainly not. I encourage you to take a close look at the source code for this article for further details.
翻译:张华栋 (wcby) 审校:王磊(未来的未来)
第一眼看上去,这种替代性的技术似乎非常类似于数据包的分包和重组,但是它的实现是完全不同的。这种实现上的差异的目的是为了解决数据包分包和重组的一个关键弱点-一个片段的丢失就会导致整个数据包都要被丢弃掉。这种行为是非常不好的,因为它会随着分包数量的增加而放大数据包丢失的概率。当你遇到大块数据包的时候,这种放大是如此的明显,加入256 k大小的分包丢失率是1%的话,那么原始数据包就有92.4%的概率被丢弃。平均来说,你需要发送原始数据包10次,它才能顺利的到达网络的另外一端!
让我们开始使用基本术语。在这个新系统中,大块的数据被称为”块“,而它们被分成的分包被称为”片段”。 这个名字上的改变使的块系统的术语(块和片段)不同于数据包分包和重组的术语(数据包和分包)。这是我认为很重要的一个事情,因为这些系统是在解决不同的问题,没有理由你不能在相同的网络协议中同时这两个系统。事实上,我经常把这两个结合起来,在时间比较关键的增量数据包里面使用数据包的分包和重组,当客户端加入游戏的时候,使用块系统来下发整个游戏世界的初始状态下(非常大的数据包)。
片段数据包是从发送方发送到接收器的。这是通过网络对块数据进行传递的有效载荷数据包,在设计的时候每个片段数据包的大小都贴近一个保守的最大传输单元的大小,也就是 1200字节。每个片段数据包最大是1 k,每个块最多有256个片段数据包,所以通过这个系统可以通过网络发送的最大的数据是256k(如果你愿意的话,你可以增加这个片段的最大数目)。我建议保持片段的大小为1k,这主要是基于最大传输单元方面的考虑。
1 | const int SliceSize = 1024; |
1 | struct AckPacket : public protocol2::Packet |
所以我们需要一些确认数据包传输的可靠性,但是我们不希望实现一个确认数据包的确认系统,因为这将会是一个非常痛苦和麻烦的过程。因为在最坏的情况下,确认数据包的大小是256位或32字节,最简单的方法是也是最好的。we just send the entire state of all acked slices in each ack packet. When the ack packet is received, we consider a slice to be acked the instant an ack packet comes in with that slice marked as acked and locally that slice is not seen as acked yet.
1 |
现在让我们讨论下带宽限制。显然你不能把所有的片段数据包一次全部发完,因为如果这么做的话,会把整个链接堵住,那么,我们该如何限制发送方所使用的带宽?我的实现机制大概是这样的:当你对全部的片段数据包进行遍历并且考虑你想要发送的每个片段数据包的时候,大概估计下这个片段数据包会需要占据多少字节,比如可以用这种估计算法:大概这个片段的字节数+一些协议的开销和UDP / IP的报头。然后用所需的字节数和你带宽预算里面可用来进行发送的字节数进行比较。如果带宽预算里面没有足够可用的字节数,那么就停止发送。否则的话,从带宽预算里面减去发送这个片段数据包所需的字节数,然后对于下个片段数据包重复整个过程。
带宽预算里面可用的字节发送预算是从哪里计算得来的?在每一帧更新块的发送方之前,把你的目标带宽(比如说每秒256KB)转换成每秒可以发送的字节数,然后用它乘以更新时间来把记过放到一个累加器里面。每秒256KB是一个比较保守的发送速率,这意味你可以每秒发送32000个字节,所以把32000 dt这个值添加到累加器里面。每秒512KB是一个比较适中的估计,意味你可以每秒发送64000个字节。每秒1MB是一个比较激进的估计,意味你可以每秒发送125000个字节。通过这种方法,在每次更新的时候你就可以累加你被允许发送的字节数了,这样当你可以按照预算来发送最大数量的片段数据包,如果还有数据没有发完的话,会等到下一帧的时候再尝试发送。
如果你仔细用数学计算一下的话,你会注意到对于一个256K 的数据块而言,它要在网络上发送完毕仍然需要发送很长的时间:
- 如果网络速率是每秒1M的话,就需要2秒钟的时间。
- 如果网络速率是每秒512KB的话,就需要4秒钟的时间。
- 如果网络速率是每秒256KB的话,就需要8秒钟的时间。
1 | class ChunkReceiver |
首先,接收方的设置会从块0开始。当一个片段数据包从网络上传递过来,并且能够匹配这个块id的话,“receiving”状态会从false翻转为true,第一个片段数据包的数据会插入” chunkData“变量的合适位置,片段数据包的数量会根据第一个片段数据包里面的数据进行正确的设置,已经接收到的片段数据包的数量会加一,也就是从0到1,针对每个片段数据包的接收标记里面对应这个片段数据包的项会变为true。
这一过程会持续进行,直到接收到所有的片段数据包。一旦接收到所有的片段数据包(也就是已经接收到的片段数据包的数量等于片段数据包的数量的时候),接收方会把“receiving “状态改为false,而把”readyToRead“状态改为true。当”readyToRead”状态为true的时候,所有收到的片段数据包都会被丢弃。在这一点上,这个处理过程通常非常的短,会在收到片段数据包的同一帧进行处理,调用者会检查”我有一块数据要读取么?“并处理块数据。然后会重置数据块接收器的所有数据为默认值,除了块数据的id从0增加到1,这样我们就准备好接收下一个块了。
我通常遇到的第一次挂起是由于对同一个片段数据包的多次收到不会回复一个确认数据包。它有点像这样:” 哦,这个片段数据包已经收到过了么?已经收到过了就丢弃它”,然后忘记在确认数据包里面设置标记。这对于发送方来说是一个困扰,因为这样的话就不会有一个确认数据包,那么如果出现这种情况的话,又恰好遇到第一次收到这个片段数据包的时候发送的确认数据包出现丢包的情况,发送方根本就不知道这个他在反复发送的片段数据包其实已经被收到了。如果你就是这么不巧,遇上了第一次收到这个片段数据包的时候发送的确认数据包出现丢包的情况,那么就遇上了挂起的情况。如果你想在你的代码里面重现这个情况的话,可以在收到最后一个片段数据包的时候不发送确认数据包,那么出现的情况就是这种挂起了。
再一次出现这种情况,就是这里的发送方因为确认数据包的丢失导致信息有一点滞后,可能是因为没有收到第一个确认数据包。在这种情况下,有必要关注片段数据包,如果我们正处于这么一个状态:我们尚未收到第n个片段数据包,但是前面n – 1个片段数据包都已经收到了,我们必须设置一个特殊的标记位然后我们会发送一个包含所有前面n – 1个片段数据包都已经收到信息的确认数据包,否则发送方不会意识到块数据已经收到并且发送方已经准备挂起了。
我希望你喜欢这个系统的设计,并试着自己动手从头开始实现它。这是一个很好的学习经历。此外,我鼓励你在patreon上支持我,作为回报,你会得到本文的示例源代码(以及本系列的其他文章的示例源代码),还包括我在GDC 2015上关于网络物理的演讲的源代码。
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